D & A Groups (Small Groups)

Written on 06/26/2019
Pastor Todd

Check out the small groups offered at Grace Church!

Being part of one of our the groups is THE BEST WAY  to become a growing disciple. In fact, small groups are so vital that we often refer to them as D & A Groups--an obvious play on the acronym DNA. Our small groups are where Discipleship happens and where people are Assimilated (fully integrated) into the life of Grace Church.

We don't want you to miss out! Currently we're offering 4 different groups and 4 different studies, so you have practical options. 

Join one of Grace's small groups today and grow in your relationship with the Lord and in your relationships with others!

Current Groups:

Pastor Todd Bean - Basic: We Are Church

Adam Reese - Jesus' Parables

Jim Ohrt - Biblical Financial Stewardship 

Phil Marvel - Biblical Prayer

Contact Us to get information and meetings dates and locations